Face Pulls Exercise Variations

Healthy, strong, and functional shoulders require targeted and specific training stimuli in order to get optimal results. FACE-PULLS are a great exercise to assist with this, but are often performed incorrectly, or not for the right reason. In this article (WITH VIDEO), we’ll show different variations of the Face Pull exercise and how to target different angles & functions.

Face-Pulls are a great upper back & shoulder exercise that, when done correctly, target the upper back, mid-trap fibres, as well as shoulders using external rotation. We prescribe them for shoulder and upper back hypertrophy (muscle growth), but also as a rehabilitation exercise for shoulder or rotator cuff injuries, especially when horizontal external rotation is required.

How to perform

Set Up

  • Set Cable (with rope attachment) between chest and chin height

  • Grab rope with either a pronated grip (palm down) or spock-grip (for 3rd variation - see video below)

  • Set one foot in front of the other as a “brace” for your weight to help avoid arching the lower back


  • From the scapula’s, initiate the movement by retracting shoulder blades while bringing cable to your fore-head.

  • At end range, externally rotate your shoulders so that the hands are in line with the shoulders, and the cable is near the fore-head

  • Squeeze shoulder blades together, and hands back


  • Use a 2-1-2-1 Tempo (2 seconds eccentric, 1 second reset, 2 seconds concentric, 1 second squeeze)


  • Depending on goals, outcomes, and specific requirements, 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps can be used

Common Errors

  • Shoulders not externally rotating and hands not finishing in line with shoulders (note: the 3rd variation in the video does NOT show external rotation and can be used if the emphasis is only scapular retraction and mid-trap fibre development)

  • Performing the repetition too fast (i.e. not following the 2-1-2-1 tempo)

  • Arching the lower back to help assist with the lift (use a weight you can CONTROL!)

That’s it! Give them a try in your next upper body workout!

Thanks for reading

Kalan Anglos, Msc., cscs
Founder: KFit Conditioning


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